Thursday 27 October 2016

Digital News - Pre Production

Having discussed the idea, it was time to begin the pre production stage of our project. For digital news, we had to organise our location, reporters and presenters, people to interview, a script and a shot list. But the biggest thing we needed was a finalised idea that we can work with and will work as a digital news show that people will watch and enjoy.

My Task
We all had our own tasks to get through to best prepare for our shoot. My task was to write the script and help create the shot list with Sammi (on camera) and Josh (my co-director). My job was particularly important as it forms the core of the whole project, the storytelling.

Sammi had got in contact with the gallery about filming and got the thumbs up from them. To help write the script, Sammi visited the gallery to speak to the owner, Hannah, about the gallery and asked questions about both her and the gallery. All this was then typed up and helped form part of the script. The same was done with artist Jonathan Davis who had allowed us to interview him at his private viewing. This helps when actually filming as the interviewees will already know the questions and will be able to answer them in more confidence, knowing exactly what to say in the instance.

As one of the directors, it helped to have a shot list ready so I know what I should be filming, how it should be shot and how long it will be. Sammi and Josh did most of the shot list while I simply added my own suggestions based on what I had included in the script.

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