Friday, 5 May 2017

Studio Production - Production Meeting #6

One of the shortest production meetings to date, we discussed the new ideas for round 3. Josh, Becca and I thought up of 6 different possibilities to fill the vacant spot left in round 3 of the show. These included:

Act Like You Know It - Contestants act out a scene with the host from a script containing missing words. The contestants and the host are reading from the script, however words are missing from the script and the contestants must guess what the missing words are in order to gain points. 1 point is rewarded for each correct answer.

American Pie In Your Face - Contestants sit opposite one another with a pie face game hooked up in front of them. The contestants must answer general film questions to determine their fate. Should the contestant get the question right, the host will spin the wheel to reveal how many times the opposition must twist the handles. Should the contestant get the question wrong however, they will have to twist their own handles according to what the wheel says. Points are awarded for every pie the opposition takes to the face.

Beer Pong - Here the contestants must play a game of beer pong against one another. The cups will be filled with random liquids and the contestant will have to answer questions correctly to avoid drinking the cups. Points are awarded to the contestant with the most cups left on the table.

Film Prop Target Practice - Contestants score points by shooting film props into a basketball hoop in an allocated time of 60 seconds each. The winner will be the contestant who has scored the most baskets. No questions asked in this round.

Letter Scramble - A series of letters are provided to each contestant and in order to answer the question correctly the contestant must form the answer with the letters they are provided with. The quickest to answer each question wins the points.

Netflix & Chill - Contestants are read out film descriptions from Netflix and must answer with the matching film title. However if they answer incorrectly, ice is poured over them. The points are awarded to the person with the most correct answers.

The group then had a vote to decide on what game they want to fill the vacant Round 3 spot and it was decided that American Pie In Your Face would fill that spot. The idea was created by myself and tweaked some more by Josh Jones and the group felt that this game would have the most energy and would also create some tension with the contestants who will both hope to avoid getting a pie in the face.

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